Gum disease clinic right now in Chessington

Dental dentures private dentist 2024 Surrey: Dental implants offer numerous benefits, from improved appearance and comfort to enhanced oral health and self-esteem. Their durability, convenience, and high success rate make them an excellent investment in your long-term dental health. If you are missing one or more teeth, consider the advantages of dental implants and consult with a qualified dental professional in Chessington to determine if they are the right solution for you. With dental implants, you can enjoy a beautiful, functional, and healthy smile for a lifetime. See extra details at white fillings Chessington.

A metal post is anchored deep into your jaw bone, where it fuses strongly with the surrounding bone (osseointegration) and replaces your missing tooth root. As the implant is embedded in your jaw, it prevents changes in your bone mass and serves to preserve and improve your facial appearance. It fits into your bone just like your natural tooth root does and supports restorations, such as a replacement tooth, a bridge, or dentures. As they match the shade of your natural teeth, they blend seamlessly with the rest of your teeth, providing you with a smile so beautiful and uniform that you won’t stop grinning! Dental implants look and feel just like your natural teeth, equipping you with a confidence that is incomparable to that achieved with other tooth replacement options. They have proven to be a real game-changer in the field of dentistry, improving not only your looks but also your general oral health.

What are lip fillers? Lip fillers are a type of dermal filler designed especially for use on lips. The highly sophisticated lip enhancer gel is made from Hyaluronic Acid – a substance found naturally in the human body. This key ingredient is used in a wide range of skincare products as well as in dermal fillers. It is incredibly safe and delivers moisture to your lips, keeping them hydrated and radiant at all times. The lip injections are applied beneath the skin where the gel slowly volumizes the lips; plumping them out to remove any lines or unevenness to create perfectly smooth, attractive, full lips. And, since hyaluronic acid is completely natural to our bodies, the lip fillers will safely break down on their own over time. The results of your lip enhancer treatment will fade gradually meaning no one will be able to tell until you’re ready to top up your lip filler. Re-treatment may be necessary every twelve months or so to keep your lips at their ultimate level of plumpness.

Gum disease dental clinic right now Surrey: An important point to make in the Restylane vs Juvederm debate is that Juvederm tends to cause less puffiness and swelling that Restylane for the first few days after treatment. So, if you have big plans in the next week following your appointment, it may be best to opt for Juvederm. As with any cosmetic procedure, the results of your dermal filler treatment can vary. Everyone’s skin is different but, in most cases with either treatment, you can expect your fillers to last between 6-18 months before requiring a top-up. Both companies continue to develop stronger and longer-lasting formulas all the time, however, Juvederm does contain 35% more hyaluronic acid than Restylane. This is absorbed by the skin, encouraging more natural hyaluronic acid production over time. That means the effect on your skin’s vitality could last much longer even once the filler has dissolved.

Although most dermal fillers are made from hyaluronic acid, Profhilo is not a dermal filler. As a stabilised product Profhilo stays in the skin for around 28 days. During this time the stimulation of four different types of collagen and elastin takes place by the slow release of hyaluronic acid. This stimulation results in significant skin tissue improvement in terms of tightening and lifting. Profhilo treatment is quick and easy and requires small injections in 5 specific facial points which will help remodel and rejuvenate your whole face.

Lip fillers are a type of dermal filler designed especially for use on lips. The highly sophisticated lip enhancer gel is made from Hyaluronic Acid – a substance found naturally in the human body. This key ingredient is used in a wide range of skincare products as well as in dermal fillers. It is incredibly safe and delivers moisture to your lips, keeping them hydrated and radiant at all times. The lip injections are applied beneath the skin where the gel slowly volumizes the lips; plumping them out to remove any lines or unevenness to create perfectly smooth, attractive, full lips. And, since hyaluronic acid is completely natural to our bodies, the lip fillers will safely break down on their own over time. The results of your lip enhancer treatment will fade gradually meaning no one will be able to tell until you’re ready to top up your lip filler. As we mentioned, lip fillers are one of the most popular beauty enhancement treatments today, making them one of the most in-demand procedures we dispense at our practice here in Chessington. Because the chemicals used in your lip fillers are the same as which naturally occur in the body, lip injections are extremely safe and involve a very simple procedure. Find extra information on

Botox is now one of the most requested facial treatments from our patients across Surrey including Chessington, Leatherhead and beyond. All our dentists are registered with the General Dental Council (GDC) and our practice is monitored and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) so you can rest assured that you’re in safe hands with our expert team. Botox (Botulinum toxin) is used to treat frown lines/forehead wrinkles and crows feet. In addition to this, botox can be used to treat migraines and excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).

Preserve the health of the adjacent teeth – In contrast to other tooth replacement options, such as dental bridges, which require the adjacent teeth to be trimmed down to support the restoration, dental implants are drilled into your jaw bone and do not need the support of the neighboring teeth. They function as independent structures and offer a conservative tooth replacement option. As the implants do not rely on the neighboring teeth for support, they do not jeopardize the health and integrity of your remaining teeth. This minimally invasive approach helps preserve the healthy tooth structure of the adjacent teeth and minimizes the need for invasive dental work, thus ensuring your overall dental health.