Do you want more Instagram likes ?

Instagram likes, all people want them People want to be popular on Instagram and for that they need more likes. Choose your filters. Thoughtfully. Filters that increase contrast, correct exposure, with a warmer tone get the best results. Just ask Yahoo and Georgia Tech. Use Instagram’s editing tools over their pre-programmed filters.

Though it might sound frivolous, being consistent in your filtering scheme is one of the top ways to build your Instagram brand. Using the same set of filters (one or two!) for all of your photos helps you create and maintain a consistent visual identity on your Instagram account. This makes your photos instantly recognizable on your followers’ feeds, increasing recognition and getting you more consistent likes.

Just like having a partnership with an influencer, partnering with a brand that has a complementary product within your industry (not a competing one!) can help you reach a greater number of people in your target market. I’d go a step further and partner with the other brand to host a giveaway, featuring a prize package that has both of your products. This is super engaging, and can help both of your brands share followers and get more likes on your photos – meaning more potential sales in the future. If none of this works you might explore automatic Instagram likes.

Instagram ads are a financial investment that can often be worth it for the exposure and engagement they bring. Just be sure to target your ads for your intended purpose. Some planning ahead of time and choosing the right settings when preparing your ad will increase your chances of reaching the right audience. Don’t get discouraged if you need to adjust some things and make changes to see success. That’s par for the course.

The caption area of your posts is often overlooked. Some folks write just a few words to sum up their posts and then publish. This can be a mistake. You have the chance to tell a story, invoke a feeling or create a message with this space. Use it wisely to help drive your marketing goals and to gain more likes. People are incentivized to click that heart on posts that affect them. Take time to make sure your captions do just that.

Brand owners need to start including a call-to-action (CTA) on every single piece of content published to their page. This includes Instagram Stories, picture and video posts. The more engagement your content receives during the first hour of being published, the more likely Instagram’s algorithm will show your content to a larger number of users. Instagram rewards users who publish highly engaging content. The richer the engagement, the wider the content is distributed organically. Use CTAs to get your followers to do more with your content. A two-way dialogue is paramount to increasing the likes across all your content and page.