Selecting the moving van size when moving to a new house plus cleaning tricks

I always suggest going around your home and taking photos of your valuables and breakables before they get packed up. If for any reason things get broken, damaged or lost during the moving process, at least you have a record of them. (Just quick snaps on the camera on your mobile phone will be good enough). TIP – It’s worth doing this anyway for things in your house, as it can help with insurance claims if you get burgled or there’s a fire etc.. – I use the home inventory in my Home File for this. Does everything fit your new home? Furniture that is in your existing home may well not fit into your new home, and it’s best to know this up front so you can sell it / donate it before you move. Take some time to measure doorways etc. and work out whether the larger items of furniture (your sofa/dresser etc.) will fit into your new space. There would be nothing worse than leaving a sofa on the front garden on moving day! TIP – This is also a useful exercise for working out whether you have suitable space for all your furniture. If you are downsizing it’s worth working out what can and cannot fit into your new home, and sorting these out before moving day

The last thing you will really want to do is move lots of food – especially fresh/frozen food. You will no doubt have tried to use up as much as possible in the cupboards before moving day, and as such you will have minimal foods once in your new house. It’s therefore worth taking some stress away and organising an online food delivery** for day 2 of your move. That way you know that you will be able to stock up without leaving the house, and you only have to sort out food for moving day and the morning after. It is time to move and all you can think about is how much you have to pack and get ready for. Not only do you have to pack up the households belongings you have to pack your families too. In my experience most families try to move during the summer or winter breaks from the kid’s school; that way it does not interrupt them too much. Since moving is stressful for parents, imagine how stressful it can be for young children and even teens. Not only are they moving households they could potentially be moving to Calgary to start a new life.

If the rental agency doesn’t provide an estimate of what the trucks can hold in terms of equivalent spaces as in the list above, you can guess using this general guide: one room = 3 cubic feet of truck space. Again, this is just an estimate, and you should always err on the side of caution and rent a slightly larger truck than your estimate. While using a truck rental company’s estimate when selecting the right size of truck or trailer to rent may be helpful, keep in mind that this is merely an estimate. Some people have much more substantial furnishings, more things, and tons of stuff crammed into every closet and cabinet. Other packrats even have entire garages jam-packed with items from floor to ceiling. A smart way to better estimate a suitable truck size is to attempt to cluster your things together, such as in an unused formal dining room, a garage or another large space. This effort also helps you prep for the move. When you pack a place full of items and measure the area, you will have a better idea about the right truck size for your needs.

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Ein Umzug kostet nicht nur viel Kraft, sondern auch Zeit. Mochte man sich dies ersparen, dann ist man mit einer Umzug Firma bestens beraten. Jeder weiss, wie anstrengend ein Umzug sein kann. Aus diesem Grund entscheiden sich in der heutigen Zeit immer mehr Menschen fur eine Umzug Firma. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach Umzugs Firmen sind, die uber eine langjahrige Erfahrung verfugen und professionell arbeiten, dann sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Sauberkeit bedeutet zur gleichen Zeit auch Wohlfuhlen. Doch haben viele Menschen entweder keine Lust oder Zeit, mehrere Stunden Ihr zu Hause zu putzen. Mit einer einigungsfirma haben Sie die Moglichkeit sich auch ohne Anstrengung uber ein Sauberes zu Hause zu freuen. Zahlreiche Reinigungsfirmen bieten Ihren Service in der Schweiz an. Entscheiden auch Sie sich fur eine professionelle Reinigungsfirma, welche die ganze Arbeit ubernimmt. Lesen Sie mehr auf Reinigungsofferte Zurich.

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