Best quality bamboo toothbrush online

Looking for bamboo buds to purchase online? We have some buyer tips for you and also several info about the eco friendly bamboo products.

In the not-too-distant past, the mention of bamboo may have conjured images of panda bears shredding through a stand of green stalks in their daily quest for food. But we get it now. As the world’s fastest growing plant, this exotic growth is both earth-friendly and extremely useful for making the quality products that we need. Although bamboo is sometimes mistaken for a tree, it’s actually a grass. This may sound like a primitive material to use for things like bowls and cutting boards, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Zero waste travel toothbrush Eco friendly bristle toothbrush Natural Biodegradable Bamboo Toothbrushes. Revamp your dental hygiene routine. Over 50 million pounds of plastic toothbrushes end up in landfills in the US each year. So what’s the alternative? Switch to a bamboo toothbrush, which has a compostable handle. Floss also has its issues.Most plastic floss containers are rarely recyclable or recycled, plus many types of floss are coated with a substance to help it glide more easily through your teeth, but acts as a chemical contaminant. Caring for your toothbrush : Bamboo toothbrushes should be kept in a dry area and not in enclosed toothbrush containers or cups that collect water. With proper care, your bamboo toothbrush will last as long as a regular plastic toothbrush. Dentists recommend replacing your toothbrush at least once every 3 months or when their bristles have frayed. Disposal or re-purposing: The bristles of our brush are charcoal fiber. They can be easily removed from the brush handle when you are ready to retire your brush. The bamboo handle can be composted or reused — it is a pretty lovely piece of bamboo! Discover additional info on Bamboo buds.

Bamboo is a bounteous, renewable natural artifact with much remarkable individuality; here we can share the benefits of bamboo products, the other side of the benefits. Bamboo products are protective and Hygienic – Unlike other anti-microbial fabrics, organic Bamboo fiber clothing is of course anti-microbial. It contains an cause, “bamboo Kun”, that prevents bacteria from cultivating on it.

Amazing growth rate. Some species of bamboo grow more than three feet each day! No plant on the planet features a faster growth rate. When it is harvested, it will grow a new shoot from its extensive root system with no need for additional planting or cultivation. Very little waste. After harvesting, virtually every part of the plant is used to make a wide variety of products. From soil-enriching mulch to beautiful furniture to chopsticks, every part of the plant can be utilized.

We are Bamboodu an online store and community promoting healthy live style, ecology and zero waste. We believe that our organic and biodegradable products can directly reduce the amount of plastic ending up in an ocean, river, and landfilled that kills our planet. Online shopping from a great selection at Cotton Buds, Drinking Straws, Travel Cutlery Sets, Bamboo Toothbrushes and much more. 100% Natural, chemical -free, cruelty-free and Vegan. All of our Bamboo Products are biodegradable, sustainable, earth-friendly and recyclable. Store: