Play VR gaming with your pals at the coolest VR arcade in Toronto

VR (virtual reality) games playing is the utilization of a three-dimensional (3-D) created play space to computer games. Virtual reality environments are created with VR software and presented to the player in such a way that they overwrite the real-world space, creating suspension of illusion and helping the user experience the VR environment as real. You can play VR games at home but, usually, the hardware that are available for regular individual clients is not very good. Good VR equipment is expensive , that’s why there are gaming firms that offers VR play on extremely good equipment. Think about it like the today’s internet caffee’s of the past.

The target demographic for video games continues to change and evolve, but one thing remains the same; gamers are looking for the best game experience possible. As VR makes its continued push into the gaming world, players are looking to experience this new type of play, and many want to do it at an affordable price.

Now let’s talk about games with VR support. EVE: Valkyrie – Warzone, a space-based dogfighting game, puts you in control of a spaceship in a series of multiplayer and single-player game modes. Multiplayer options include the Team Deathmatch, Control, Carrier Assault, Wormhole, and Extraction game modes. Fight your way through hordes of enemies and avoid collisions and damage at the helm of one of 13 ship types. Progression is flexible, so players can control how they customize their ships as they go along. One of EVE’s strong suits is its excellent visuals; ships feature remarkable detail, and laser projectiles light up magnificently against the backdrop of deep space. If you want to play VR games with your friends in Toronto you may want to check LevelupReality. See extra details on Arcade Toronto.

Rec Room (Oculus Rift; PS VR; HTC Vive): If you just took the plunge on a new headset or if you want to show off VR to someone for the first time, Rec Room provides a low-impact and free social sandbox of places to go, things to pick up and toss, objects to interact with, and some minigames to play solo or with others online. You can play this title suitably from either a seated or standing position, and it works well with room scale. Rec Room is designed primarily as a social experience, so expect a lot of people to be on mic, and consider taking part in the chatter yourself. You won’t find an infinitely replayable game world to explore here, but Rec room should help people who need to get their VR sea legs before they tackle more in-depth experiences.

Fallout 4 VR (HTC Vive): Like with Skyrim and its VR edition, Fallout 4 has gotten the full VR treatment, bringing over the full single-player campaign of Fallout 4 exclusively to HTC Vive headsets on PC. The VR adaptation works just like it does in Skyrim VR, where you’re free to walk about the world of Fallout at a room-scale level, use direct-control stick movement on the Vive’s controllers, travel via teleportation from point to point or any combination of the above. This doesn’t inherently rule out seated gameplay, but it’s geared toward standing and at least some degree of turning and walking around.

We will transport you entirely out of your own world…and into another—whether it is walking along the edge of Everest or surviving a zombie apocalypse, your next reality is limitless. 80+ games/experiences with unlimited game changes; Includes player setup and training (10 minutes); One player per station, non-shareable Visit: