Adult scoliosis treatment Long Beach

Be a good patient? To help a doctor properly diagnose you, it’s important to be thorough in the description of your symptoms. The more details, usually the better. A good practice to adopt is to write symptoms down along with information about when they started. Then, when you are at your appointment, you’ll be able to provide detailed, accurate information. Any and all symptoms should be recorded. Sometimes what may seem insignificant to you could be the information that leads your doctor to make a diagnosis. However, there is a difference between being a good patient and attempting to do your doctor’s job for them. While recording and properly identifying your symptoms is good practice, attempting to diagnose yourself is not. Record and monitor symptoms but do not begin jumping to conclusions about your condition. You can share concerns, fears or opinions with your doctor, but showing up with WebMD results does not a good patient make.

The most common cause of back pain ? Scoliosis is curvature of the spine. It is considered a deformity and depending on how severe the curvature is and where it is located, it can result in back pain. Scoliosis can also lead to the breakdown of discs and joints in the back. For this type of affliction, severity and pain levels often determine treatment. Some with minor curvature can benefit from stretching and massage appointments, others result to chiropractors for correction of the curve but in other cases a brace or surgery is recommended.

During the surgery, the surgeon will make incisions on the front and right and left sides of the neck in order to enter the space between the two vertebrae. Then, the damaged disk as well as any bone spurs that have occurred in the area as a result of the body reacting to the disrupted disk will be removed. Dr. Yuan uses a drill to widen the opening of the spinal cord to eliminate pressure it was putting on the cord and nerve roots. The vertebrae are then fused using a bone graft, often taken from the patient’s pelvis but sometimes a cadaver bone is used instead. If more than one disc has been damaged or if more stabilization is needed, a titanium plate or screws may be used to reinforce the vertebrae. This can help reduce neck pain after surgery as well as speed up recovery. In most cases the surgery is completed in one to two hours, however, it can take longer in some cases, especially when more than one disc must be removed. The surgeon should be able to provide a more accurate time measurement for the procedure based on the individual’s needs. See a few more info at Cervical Discectomy.

Up to 90% of patients experience pain relief with Long Beach Lumbar Spinal Fusion. Pain is significantly reduced after this procedure. A Long Beach lumbar spinal fusion is a type of back surgery that can be done as an open, minimally invasive or mini-open procedure. The procedure combines two or more vertebrae through a welding-like process in order to reduce pain and increase stability in the spine. It is used to treat chronic neck and back pain that may radiate to the arms and legs. People who suffer conditions such as degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, fractures and spinal tumors in Long Beach typically make good candidates for the procedures. When possible, some spinal fusion surgeries can be done as outpatient procedures with minimal cutting and operating time—they are called minimally invasive spinal fusions. Depending on which vertebrae are causing pain and where potentially diseased discs are located, a fusion can be done on the thoracic (upper back) or lumbar spine (lower back). Long Beach spinal fusions prevent pain associated with movement by fusing together two or more vertebrae in the spine to prevent painful movement. The pieces are welded together using a bone graft, made from either a cadaver bone or taken from the patient. These grafts are commonly referred to as cages.

SI joint dysfunction isn’t always the cause of SI joint pain. Other potential causes of SI joint pain include sacral stress fracture, lumbar disk herniation, piriformis syndrome (a rare diagnosis that involves irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve) and ankylosing spondylitis (chronic, dull pain felt in the back, hip, and butt that often results in morning stiffness but subsides with exercise). If SI joint dysfunction is the cause of pain, an individualized treatment plan will be developed that includes both rest as well as modified activity. The goal is to rehabilitate the affected muscles by targeting the underlying cause of dysfunction and pain. In some cases, runners can change their approach to running to reduce or eliminate pain. A biomechanical evaluation of the runner can be done to assess whether or not this is the problem. Sometimes improper training, weak muscles or imbalanced muscles can be to blame. Overtraining can also be to blame. Manual therapy performed by a sports osteopath, chiropractor, physical therapist or athletic trainer is sometimes recommended as part of a doctor-prescribed therapy protocol.

Dr. Yuan treats a range of spinal disorders in patients of all ages including herniated discs and stenosis in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Dr. Yuan never recommends surgery first and is a thought leader in managing degenerative spinal stenosis. Dr. Yuan is dedicated to serving patients using conservative treatments whenever possible. Never sign up for surgery when you don’t need it. If surgery is required, however, Dr. Yuan offers a variety of options for patients, including minimally invasive and robotic-assisted procedures. Find extra info on Spine surgeon Long Beach.