Autism information guide for fathers

Games for autistic children and advices for parents? Apps are an accessible and fairly inexpensive way to use technology. Apps may motivate students on the autism spectrum as they present information in ways that support their visual learning style. Apps have been found to be effective in helping children on the autism spectrum learn language, literacy and numeracy skills. Apps can also be used to create schedules, checklists and language cards. The Learning App Guide to Autism and Education provides parents with reviews for a number of apps grouped by skill areas and age groups. A parent can select the literacy group, for instance, and find apps for teaching spelling to children in lower primary grades.

While the number of children with other developmental disabilities has remained constant over the last decade, according to the nonprofit organization Families for Early Autism Treatment, the amount of children with autism in K-12 schools around the United States has increased by more than 100 percent. This means educators are dealing with unique student issues that they may not have seen in years past and responding to problems they may not yet have had experience with. Following are some examples of the challenges that K-12 students with autism face.

Considering their skill sets and behavior, they are encouraged to be involved in individual sports. These types of sports do not require much social communication and there is lesser demand placed in their sensory systems when engaged in them. Although multiple sensory systems are still activated and sports events may seem too much to process, these Autistic teens can have interventions that focus on the desensitization of sensory systems to avoid sensory meltdowns. Find additional details at Mike Alan.

At times, autistic children struggle to process too much information at one time. This leads to sensory overload and will prevent them from being able to communicate. There are a few things you can do to help in these situations: Keep the non-verbal communication at a minimum level. For example, do not force or provide direct eye contact if you notice it is causing angst or anxiety, PECs boards and pictures are a great way to help when verbal communication is not possible. If your child is young, providing educational toys for toddlers as a distraction is a good wat to help them calm. For older children, sensory tools are also a great option. Another tip for better communicating with Autistic children is to pause between words. Do this if you notice they need some time to find a response.

We have all found social media helpful when attempting to connect with others (e.g., family, friends, other parents) but have also been hurt by posts from other parents and caregivers. As a result, we have put together a list of concerns around social media posts that parents with children on the autism spectrum may have and how to address them. The three of us have a complicated relationship with social media in terms of our parenting and discussed some of the issues parents face, especially as Bethany and Maggie worked on their chapter about better babies contests (early 20th century) and developmental milestones (e.g., crawling, talking, walking, pincer grasp, etc.) as documented on social media.