Video transfers firm Winston Salem, NC

Videographer company? You may be asking, “What gives HD the stunning quality you don’t get with regular video?” In simple terms, HD means your video has more pixels. More pixels means you can stream your video on a large screen in clearer quality. HD video production is a must if you’re projecting your video on large event screens or if you want your video to look spectacular on any screen. With our film style productions, you bring us your idea at the start. We’ll work with you to write a script, plan your project, shoot, and edit your video into a perfect representation of you and your company.

Shoot with the sun at your back. If you’re recording people, they may complain about looking directly into the sunlight, but tell them that the shots you’ll get will be much better than if they were silhouetted against the sun. Time of day and weather should also influence your shooting. Some types of shooting will be better on an overcast day, while others will be enhanced by the “golden hour.” Sometimes you’ll have to reschedule your outdoor shoots to wait for just the right conditions. Discover additional information at additional info.

Frank Cole founded Epic Media Productions because he’s a creative self starter who wanted to be his own boss. He appreciates the creative freedom he gets from working independently, choosing to work on the projects he believes in. Frank is passionate about learning exactly what you want to communicate. He’ll plan your project around how he and his Epic team can best help achieve your vision. He’s hired an expert team of video technicians who will always meet your deadlines.

A kicker light below the subject can give just a bit more definition to the face of people in your shot. A small light focused on the hairline can help separate dark hair from the shadows in the background. When it comes to these extras, add them sparingly, as too many pieces can quickly add noise to the picture. We are passionate about helping cinematographers just like you bring your vision to life through all aspects of photography and videography – including the latest in lighting tech and expertise. To learn more, as well as see the entire online catalog of camera gear products, visit our main home page and shop for digital cameras, lenses and much more.

And here is our daily trick for photographers: Best Camera Settings for Event Photography. I’ve found that switching the camera to burst mode and continuous focus works best for event photography. The burst setting is a must-have when guests are moving about quickly. Continuous focus has different names depending on the camera brand (AI Servo for Canon users or AF-C for Nikon users). It allows your camera to lock at your subject and follow it around as it moves. Camera settings also play a role in your style, or the style that the client wants. Find even more info at