Excellent single mailbox server side solution today

Fast all in one mailbox providers with MutantMail? Perfect Solution! I have several email addresses I need to log into and check on a regular basis, Mutantmail will cut that work for me by over half. I could not have imagined a better solution than Mutantmail. Setup was so simple that I was sure I didn’t do it right! Mutantmail is now just a part of who I am and what I do. Discover even more info at Mutant Mail. Ever wanted to forward your emails to multiple recipient? Well now you can. And with our Enriched routing, your brand/domain identity is maintained when email is replied from either of them.

Do you mind explain Recipient Email IDs? Recipient Email IDs mean the destination or control email id, where actual emails will be stored. This will be the inbox from where you receive, reply or send your email (can be Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail or anything else) outside the Mutant Mail system. Mutant Mail acts as a routing system in between your recipient email id and your destination email id, to ensure when you hit reply email is received by user coming from your domain and not from the control inbox. From field will be your domain’s email id always. If you want to set the name for your email ids, it can be set in the settings option.

Keeping your content relevant and interesting: Your email campaign content must be relevant and interesting to your subscribers or it will quickly fall into the spam trap. Generic, irrelevant content will quickly get marked as spam and could damage your deliverability rates. Customers are more likely to engage with an email campaign that is relevant to them and provides interesting or useful information. Try to include a call to action (CTA) in your email campaign. The CTA should be relevant to the content of the email and encourage the subscriber to take a specific action. Consider using a variety of different writing styles in your email campaign. Don’t use the same writing style throughout an email campaign.

Does Mutant Mail Work with only Gmail as recipient or other emails work too? Mutant Mail works with any and every Email ID as their recipient email id. Including but not limited to Gmail, hotmail, yahoo, outlook, yandex, self hosted email etc. Only requirement for Recipient email id is, it should exist outside the Mutant Mail system. As it will need to hold all your emails. Can I send an email as well from my domains associated with Mutant Mail? Of course you can. But remember, our primary focus is to focus on the reply system instead of send system. As monitor and reply is the main hassle with owning so many email ids. And that’s exactly what we are trying to solve.

A far better solution exists : Solution is Mutant Mail. It’s one of the best innovation in email world, that comes with enhanced email forwarding. In nutshell, every email id associated with Mutant Mail can be replied via your recipient email id, and your client’s will never see/find your recipient email id. Another one we clearly see is your username (name) is always attached when using a plus sign (+), so anyone can figure out your real email id. But most challenging issue of using email plus sign (+) trick is, how do you reply with exact same email id? You just can’t. There are many reasons why using an email id with Mutant Mail is better than email plus sign (+). First and foremost, Mutant Mail provides more security and privacy for your email communication. With Mutant Mail, your recipient email id is completely masked and cannot be read by anyone. Find additional details at https://www.mutantmail.com/.

What do you mean by allowed domain, email ids, recipient email ids and disable catch all. I am bit confused with these terms. We are glad you asked about clarity on these terms. Mutant Mail works at the Domain level, through MX, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records. 10 Domains: It will mean you can integrate up to 10 custom domains in your Mutant Mail account. You may have a website on them or not. Your existing website doesn’t get disturbed, we only handle emails for them. 50 email ids: It means you can have up to 50 email ids created on the above domains, that are integrated with Mutant Mail.