Top self defense attorney in Omaha, Nebraska

Vehicular manslaughter domestic violence defense attorney Omaha, Nebraska today? What Does an Omaha Criminal Defense Lawyer Do? Working with a criminal defense attorney has many benefits. They do many things to help those charged with crimes in Nebraska. Here are several reasons why you should hire one to represent you. Criminal lawyers specialize in criminal law. As such, they are well-versed in Nebraska criminal law and all potential defenses that might be successful in your case. They are also familiar with the local courts, district attorneys, and prosecutors who might be involved in your case. See even more information on attorney Greg Nelson

How to discover the perfect criminal defense attorney? A criminal defense attorney is a type of lawyer who specializes in criminal law, focusing on protecting your legal rights and ensuring the rights laid out in the United States Constitution continue to be upheld as they were intended. It is critical to understand the importance of having legal representation on your side if you are facing criminal charges. Many convictions may lead to criminal fines and jail time, so a criminal defense attorney will conduct research to fight against your charges and provide representation in criminal court if needed.

Self-defense is an affirmative defense that involves alleging additional facts that, if true, justify your use of violence. For example, if your accuser alleged that you shoved them, but you did so in order to avoid their violent act, you may be able to claim self-defense. In many cases, proving self-defense involves establishing which party initiated the use of force against the other. In some domestic violence cases, the charges are simply the result of false allegations. Establishing that allegations are false can be a difficult task, often involving the use of circumstantial evidence regarding injuries or the veracity of the accuser’s version of events.

The offices of Greg Nelson include some of the best and brightest in criminal defense, dedicated every step of the way to providing the legal counsel you need. We have put together just a short list of the things you can and should expect upon engaging our services. It should go without saying that your lawyer should know the law backwards and front, but too often we hear about lawyers working passively to support their cases, rather than actively seeking out the laws and regulations that can benefit their clients.

Providing Guidance and Representation During Criminal Process: No matter which direction you decide to take your case, you will need legal guidance throughout the process. Part of your attorney’s job is to assist with the steps in the legal process. For instance, you will be required to attend several court hearings. Your lawyer will be present at each one to explain your role in these hearings and your rights. You may or may not need to speak in front of the judge, but they will prepare you for it just in case, so you are ready. Read extra details at